A Career Scope as a Pharmacist in Canada

  1213 views |  2 min read time |  Dec 2023
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A Career Scope as a Pharmacist in Canada

If you are planning to work as a pharmacist in Canada, it can take you down many career paths. There is a huge demand for pharmacists with many specializations. A majority of pharmacists work in the retail sector and the healthcare sector. They are typically seen working in local, regional, and national pharmacies, and about 70% of licenced pharmacists. There is also steady demand for pharmacists in hospitals, clinics, assisted living facilities, pharmaceutical companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and more. One can also work as full time or part time pharmacy job in Canada. If you have sufficient experience in the industry, you can also start your own pharmacy and work as a self-employed pharmacist in your province.

It is always recommended to conduct extensive research to know how pharmacy is practiced in Canada. Also, it is important to get yourself acquainted with provincial laws and legislation where you’ll settle. Here are the educational qualifications and other requirements for a career as a pharmacist in Canada.


  • Honours Baccalaureate degree in Pharmacy
  • Licenced and in good standing with the Provincial College of Pharmacists
  • It is necessary to have liability insurance to practice pharmacy.
  • Clinical confidence
  • Strong, patient communication skills
  • Technologically savvy

Apart from a university education and qualification, it is equally important to understand the job market trends and trends specific to the pharmacy profession to climb the ladder of success and achieve your career goals. Here is a glimpse of what your job as a pharmacist may include, including but not limited to the following:

·     Completing day-to-day pharmacist duties and verifications

·     Performing patient counselling duties

·     Prescription record management

·     Managing the workflow process to meet daily business requirements and operational effectiveness

·     Assessing and assisting with other pharmacy and business duties as and when required

·     Assist with brand awareness through collaboration with plan sponsors.

·     Maintaining professional and technical knowledge of pharmacist duties

It is recommended to look for online job portals exclusively working in the pharmacy job market. They are connected with a wide network of pharmacists and post numerous pharmacy jobs in Canada to make it easy for job seekers to find their dream job.

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